A series of four member only 5k events taking place in September, October, November and December.
How it works:
- After entering all participants will be given a handicap time, which may be adjusted after each event at organiser’s discretion
- Senior participants choose their own 5k route, junior participants chose either a 5k or 2k route; the start and finish must be in the same place
- Participants must run the same route for all four events
- Activities must be run, and results submitted within the following dates:
Event week 1: Monday 21 to Sunday 27 September
Event week 2: Monday 19 to Sunday 25 October
Event week 3: Monday 16 to Sunday 22 November
Event week 4: Monday 14 to Sunday 20 December - Results will be based on total elapsed time, not moving time.
Entries now closed
Senior Virtual enquiries please contact Candy Jewell or Gemma Steele
Junior Virtual enquiries please contact Tracey Wilson or Louise Pilkington
Point Scoring:
- Run time will be added to handicap time for each event and first fastest runner will receive 100 points, second 99 points and so on.
- One-off bonus points will also be awarded on event 1 for elevation, the route with the most elevation will receive 100 bonus points, second 99 points and so on.
Senior Results Submission
- Smart watch or Strava must be used to record the run. If using Strava, participants should be a member of the Bideford AAC Strava Club.
- Uploaded runs for submission must be named as follows for each event: 5k Handicap Event 1, 5k Handicap Event 2, 5k Handicap Event 3 and 5k Handicap Event 4.
- Only ONE run per participant must be named as stated above during each Event Week; if you have multiple attempts at the run do not name it until you know which run you want to submit as your result.
- For senior participants not on Strava you must email a link or screen shot of your recorded activity to runners@bidefordaac.co.uk before the end of each Event Week. Only one run per Event Week should be submitted.
- To complete series and place in the overall results participants need to run all four events.
- Participants must adhere to the Government’s coronavirus instruction and social distancing guidelines while completing runs. Please view our coronavirus update for more information.
- Strictly fully paid active club members only. If you would like to take part and are not a member of Bideford AAC, simply sign up online for just £15 before Friday 18 September and then get in touch for entry information.
Participants take part at their own risk, Bideford AAC accept no liability for loss, damage, action, claim, costs or expenses, which may arise in consequence of participation in the events. Participants must adhere to the current Government Guidelines on social distancing and exercise.